Sabtu, 24 September 2011


English Language...

today I
do not know if my friend Nadia will play into the house Mira. Sad also did not participate. It must also be sad when you can not hang out with your best friend one day.

I tried calling my father, he should, but I need permission first to my mother. Actually I want to call using the phone Nadia. However, Mira's mother was already in a hurry either kanapa. There may be a job or meeting ... .
Finally I do not go and try to be patient.

>>> Have you ever felt this? Must have been. How can your heart sense at the moment just leave one day with your friend? Write
in my Cbox !!

Bahasa Indonesia...

hari ini aku tidak tahu kalau sahabatku Nadia akan bermain ke rumah Mira. Sedih juga tidak ikut. Pasti kalian juga sedih bila tidak bisa berkumpul dengan sahabatmu satu hari saja.

Aku mencoba menelpon Ayahku, katanya boleh, akan tetapi aku harus izin terlebih dahulu pada Ibuku. Sebenarnya aku ingin menelepon dengan menggunakan telepon Nadia. Tetapi, Ibunya Mira ternyata sudah terburu-buru entah kanapa. Mungkin ada pekerjaan atau pertemuan... .
Akhirnya aku tidak ikut dan mencoba sabar.

>>>Apakah kalian sudah pernah merasakan hal ini? Pastinya sudah. Bagaimana rasa hati kalian saat di tinggalkan satu hari saja dengan temanmu? Tuliskan di Cboxku !!

Kamis, 22 September 2011

my new blog and my friend ship!

wow, I'm very pleased to be entering a blogger here. Because I've just made ​​a very quiet and definitely not good. But then would I baguskan! And, welcome to my new blog .. . My name is Kila, I'm from Indonesia ... .

Here I will discuss anything peristiwaku with my friends, the tips became friends with the type that best suits our friend.
And my friend is:


they are my best friend since fifth grade elementary school .. .